What we do
Learning happens through connections and conversations…
We offer outcome led:
skilful design that makes content and ideas accessible in the virtual world
Facilitated meaningful and relevant application to the day job
guided reflection for real development
measurement and impact scoring
….And it all starts with your business need and desired outcomes….
Virtual Programme Design – making content and ideas accessible and relevant
Without sustained behavioural change, executive education is just expensive entertainment. Executive education only packs a punch when it contributes to the strategic purpose and priorities of your organisation. We work with the top of the house to ensure our programme designs are crystal clear on what your organisation wants and needs from leaders.We build an understanding of the working landscape where your leaders and their teams play. Intimacy with your real challenges, opportunities and pain points is the superpower that enables us to design the most effective practices, tools and skills to develop and support your people.Our experience in the virtual world means we are able to help you select the best platforms and tools to support your learning. We design new or redesign existing content to optimise the challenges and opportunities of the virtual space. We keep learning interactions short, appropriately paced and impactful. We optimise video, interactive live lectures and curated additional content to ensure every learner – whatever their style – gets what they need.
Talk to us about virtual programme design and content sharing
Facilitated meaningful and relevant application to the day job – Practice propagates change
Virtual ExecEd is different. We know that just sharing new ideas doesn’t cut it in organisations that are determined to get their leaders to the next level. Many senior people enjoy the purely cognitive experience of acquiring new knowledge. Hearing and understanding feels comfortable and familiar, but it runs the risk of tipping into ‘edutainment’. The development equivalent of reading an improving book on the beach. We think your Executive Development investment should reach beyond inspiration or refreshment. Your leaders need the opportunity to stretch their wings. To try out the new ideas for size and see how they feel and fit in your organisation. Applied to your real world challenges.
We design synchronous facilitated break outs and small group application as stand alone learning experiences or as an adjunct to large scale webinars or asynchronous video based learning events.
Our facilitation expertise means we can ensure excellence and impact at scale. Reduced budgets and travel restrictions are no barrier to impactful learning when the design is right. There is no limit to the size of the plenary group, so savings can be reinvested to ensure participants DO as well as KNOW.
Our skilled facilitators utilise a wide range of learning interventions and techniques to suit the specific needs of your business; from experimentation challenges to action learning sets, business simulations and beyond. We bring our creativity and experience to match your business needs.
Talk to us about skilled virtual facilitation and group application
Guided Reflection and Coaching – Investment in changing behaviour
We ensure leaders get the space and opportunity to reflect on what they have experienced – a rare luxury in our busy world.
Leaders who take time either alone or in a group to review their learning response gain insights and understand themselves better. Where the reflection is guided and developed by an experienced coach or facilitator the results can be truly transformational.
Our experience shows that virtual coaching can achieve the same powerful results as face to face. Our coaches understand how to build the necessary foundation of Trust and Safety at any time and from anywhere, using whatever tools and platforms your people are familiar with. Like facilitation, coaching virtually brings the opportunity to coach at scale. It removes the barriers of time and geography and limited resources that may have constrained you in the past.
Measuring Impact - It’s all about results
Together we will have planned the impact you want to achieve. We’ll track it and report it so you can see the return on your investment and your leaders can articulate, measure, feel the traction and own the impact they create.
Virtual ExecEd brings real world results
Talk to us about measurement and reporting