Growing the unexpected


The other day I decided my money plant was looking a bit lopsided and needed to be replanted. I’m currently under Covid-19 lockdown and can’t get out to buy compost so I nipped down to the garden and grabbed some from the veg patch.

Yesterday I walked into the office to find that this bean shoot has emerged, reaching for the light. Nothing is growing in the veg patch, where it is expected to be. I had no idea I had scooped up this seed and transported it to a better environment.

I can’t think of a more powerful metaphor for my work and industry at this time.

There is no work in the usual places as executive education goes into ‘pause and reflect’ mode but I have new coaching clients looking for guidance through these turbulent times as and I can start to feel the shoots of a new world emerging from this strangely frozen spring space.

Keep the faith. Everything passes.


Reap what you sow


The secret to successful home working